
Showing posts from October, 2020

Game Design

  I think the information I have read is so interesting. I never really thought about games as how they’re designed and how they work, to be honest I’ve never really had much thought about them at all. Although after reading what I’ve read I’ve learned a lot. I’ve seen the definition of a game as “play activity with rules that involves conflict” and I thought that is a really good definition of what a game is and I’ve never seen that before so I thought that was a good way of putting it. Games have a set of rules with an outcome that involves no actual prize or wealth from it, which I also learned from what I read. I learned a lot from my reading, including, games are an activity, they have rules, they have conflict, they have goals they are a form of art, although you have to remember games are artificial, they are made up and not real but when we’re playing them that’s not what we have in mind. I enjoyed reading through the information on game design very much. 

Game Brainstorm

  FIFA I have chosen 4 games that I want to explore and brainstorm. The first one I have chosen is Fifa. I would like to see a game similar to fifa but for Gaelic football instead of soccer. I like the idea of this because I think there’s so much circulation around soccer (understandably) but we are Irish and I think it would be good to have a game that represents a sport a lot of us Irish people play and love. I don’t know much about games or ever really play them but I would love to get to know more about them and I am enjoying the process and learning as I go. I think this idea as a game would be good as it’s something I think a lot of people would be passionate about and could get on board with. MARIO KART  Another game I chose was Mario Kart. I chose this game because it’s literally the only game I ever played to be honest. I loved this game so much, I used to spend lots of time on it when I was a child and would occasionally still play it on t...