Game Brainstorm
I have chosen 4 games that I want to explore and brainstorm. The first one I have chosen is Fifa. I would like to see a game similar to fifa but for Gaelic football instead of soccer. I like the idea of this because I think there’s so much circulation around soccer (understandably) but we are Irish and I think it would be good to have a game that represents a sport a lot of us Irish people play and love. I don’t know much about games or ever really play them but I would love to get to know more about them and I am enjoying the process and learning as I go. I think this idea as a game would be good as it’s something I think a lot of people would be passionate about and could get on board with.
Another game I chose was Mario Kart. I chose this game because it’s literally the only game I ever played to be honest. I loved this game so much, I used to spend lots of time on it when I was a child and would occasionally still play it on the switch if I ever got a chance to use one. I always thought it was such a fun cool game that everyone enjoyed no matter what age or what you’re in to. I think that’s why it’s so enjoyable because you don’t have to be in to a certain type of thing to play it, it’s enjoyable for any type of personality. Therefore I would love to explore a game that was like Mario kart but different. I was thinking even a game where it was similar to Mario kart as in we play the same sort of game (cars) but use real people. I was thinking something like being able to use our favourite famous people as our driver, maybe it wouldn’t work but I think it would be so cool and it’s something I would definitely play, which I think is important if I want to actually think about designing a game I would want to be interested enough to want to play it myself. I also think a lot of other people would find that entertaining and fun too.
I also used to enjoy playing WII Fit. I always used to feel like I was actually exercising when I was doing it which is cool. I think we need more games that promote health and fitness rather than sitting in front of a screen with a remote not moving at all. I think the idea of doing something similar to wii fit bit more in detail. For example more intense workouts, starting off as beginner and working your way up the more fit you get, while it tracks how many calories you burn and how you’re improving your fitness level. I know you could just go to the gym or go outside but I think this way it would make it fun and in your own home which for some people could be a lot more comfortable. For me this is my favourite idea as I enjoy exercising and would love if something like this existed as I think it would be so beneficial and could really promote a more healthy lifestyle for so many people, including people who enjoy playing video games!
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