
Showing posts from December, 2019


Although I did learn a lot from the research we found and I am happy with the level of information we have and put it all together on our video I did have some difficulties. I found it was hard enough to edit using premier pro at the start so our video could have been much better and we all know that but it was our first time using it so I didn't expect much more. I also find it more difficult when doing group woprk because we don't want the work to seem like three separate people done it not a group but it can be difficult to meet up all the time when we all commute to college from different areas, but of course that's no excuse just for next time I will be trying to meet  up in person with my group more often to actually do the work together and check where each other are at. With saying that I did enjoy working on this mission and I feel we got the information across well with lots of evidence behind it so I am happy with that I know what to be doing going forward.


The mission we were doing was digital journalism. Our group met up and discussed our mission and decided to do various surveys and ask people of different age groups how they rely on digital journalism today. While researching this information we found out that young people use their phones more than twice as much as people over the age of thirty as we found out that people from the age fifteen to thirty spend on average of 7 hours per day on their phones where as the people we questioned over the age of thirty averaged at 2 hours per day. We also asked various questions to different people to find out if they are completely dependent on their phones and they all said yes they were and that they wouldn't be able to live without them. Majority of the younger people we asked all said snapchat was the first app they check when the get up in the morning. A lot of people including ourselves use snapchat for their news stories and entertainment news rather than actually watching the news...

Process- Digital Journalism

For this mission my group and I chose digital journalism. I enjoyed doing this as it was very interactive and another subject I had great interest in.Before we started doing this video we got together and decided what we wanted to do. We decided to take various surveys and physically ask people of all different ages how they think digital journalism has changed over the years in everybodys lives, whether it be work school or for our own leisure. We also wanted to find out how many people still actually sit down to watch the news instead of reading headlines our phones and searching different bits on the internet, which we are all guilty of. During this mission I messaged a few of my friends on snapchat and asked them to screenshot their screen times and send them to me so I could compare how long each of us spent on our phones and how long we spent on each app. The average between my friends and I including Sam and Jade who were in my group was seven hours a day and it was showing that...


I really enjoyed doing this mission as I learned so much more about YouTube and all its about and really just everything I needed to know from careers to advertisements to the history of YouTube and its first ever video. In saying this, I do realise that there is a lot I have to work on for my next mission, like ensuring our work I evident that we all worked together as a group rather than seperately, that our work was all linked and made complete sense when it was being presented to everyone else. Those points are what I feel our group need to work on overall. Although myself I need to work on engaging with my audience and not reading anything from the powerpoint. I feel this would make the audience more interested as they feel they are involved and learning more about our mission.