
Although I did learn a lot from the research we found and I am happy with the level of information we have and put it all together on our video I did have some difficulties. I found it was hard enough to edit using premier pro at the start so our video could have been much better and we all know that but it was our first time using it so I didn't expect much more. I also find it more difficult when doing group woprk because we don't want the work to seem like three separate people done it not a group but it can be difficult to meet up all the time when we all commute to college from different areas, but of course that's no excuse just for next time I will be trying to meet  up in person with my group more often to actually do the work together and check where each other are at. With saying that I did enjoy working on this mission and I feel we got the information across well with lots of evidence behind it so I am happy with that I know what to be doing going forward.


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